So, lately I've kind of been obsessed with the idea of painting every wooden surface in my house turquoise. It's not that I want all of my furniture to be turquoise. Noooo, certainly not- in fact, I had a friend who's great aunt died and when they went to pack up her house it was entirely turquoise- her walls, furniture, clothing, china, jewelry, etc. True story. I would have loved to have taken pictures in the house, but definitely not to have lived in it. It's just that when I see a piece of wooden furniture, I think- oh how lovely that would look if it were painted turquoise!

Well, Drew is allowing me to satisfy my urge by letting me paint our kitchen table turquoise! I have totally been swooning over this photo for the past few weeks, and I can't wait for it to get just a teensy bit warmer out so that I can happily sand, paint, wax, and distress away in my garage. Any tips on distressing furniture?

I have also had my eyes on a pair of aqua nightstands at a local antique store, and I've decided that if they are still there tomorrow, I am going to get them. If I do score them, I think I'll have to stop with the turquoise furniture for a while, or at least move on to a new color.
